
Telling our stories of what God has done


In the Old Testament the Israelites often stacked stones to honor and remember the place where God showed up. It was a tangible and visible presence of holy ground where God’s presence had been. Today, God can be present in every aspect of our lives because of Jesus’s death and resurrection. But we – like the Israelites – still need to create ways of remembering what God has done.

This page is about stacking stones in remembrance of what God has done in the life and people of Journey Church. It is meant to be a tangible reminder that God is moving in mighty ways. We invite you to come back here often to remember and praise God for all he is doing.



On June 23, 2024 we gathered at the Gallatin River to witness dozens of people going public with their faith in Jesus through baptism! Experience some of their testimonies below.



Learn more about getting baptized at


Forged was a massive recharge for me. Just being able to have vulnerable conversations with other godly men was so refreshing to my soul, and I needed it more than I knew.

I realize now I’m not alone. In my struggles, in my thoughts, in any of it. I realized I needed this more than I knew.

Guys of all ethnicities circled up together saying the Lord’s Prayer. There is strength in numbers. As a child delighted when her dad returns home – simply because you came home – so it is with us and God when we just come to him.

Gail and Betty’s story of serving at Journey and 50 years of ministry


Baptism is an important next step for followers of Jesus.

106 people were baptized

on our stage this Easter on March 30th and 31st, “going public” with their faith!

Check out some of their inspiring testimonies:


Learn more about getting baptized at

Bangladesh Missions Trip 2024

In February 2024, a team of musicians from our church travelled to Bangladesh to visit our partner ministries and take part in local music outreach.

Watch some of their experience below!

Equipping leaders and volunteers

We are so thankful for all our amazing volunteers and group/serve team leaders that choose to use their time and talents to serve around Journey.

The evening of February 12th, 2024 was a chance for us to gather for a time of learning and growth. Our guest speaker was Scott McBride, a licensed professional counselor in Bozeman and a member of Journey Church.



A year of people taking their next steps following Jesus

Through your uncommon generosity, we raised nearly $180,000 for our four Kingdom Offering partner organizations in November 2023.

50% was delivered to our local partners and 50% to our partner in Ethiopia.

That is some remarkable impact in our valley and around the world – THANK YOU!

You can learn more at


On November 5th, 2023 we had the great privilege of baptizing dozens of people going public with their faith in Jesus at our Sunday worship gatherings. Jesus offers living water to everyone!


Learn more about getting baptized at

a thank you note

Ethiopia Missions Trip

In July 2023, a team from our church – including five parent-child pairs – travelled to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to spend time with our ministry partners Elevate Orphan.

Learn more about their experience on the team blog and check out the video below!


On July 9th, 2023 we had the great privilege of baptizing 51 people going public with their faith in Jesus, and our downtown church plant Revival joined us to baptize 37 members of their community. What an amazing testament to God moving in our church!



Learn more about getting baptized at


We have entered a partnership with Faith Early Learning Center, and in July they officially moved into The Commons! They will be utilizing our classroom spaces during the week. You can learn more at


On June 7th, 2023, our student ministries served with Family Promise. They learned about their wonderful programs and impact on the community and helped serve them for an exciting carnival event!


Hear Tim and Heidi’s story of experiencing valuable connection in a Journey community

Singer/songwriter Sara Groves and her band joined us for Mother’s Day 2023. Sara sang songs from throughout her career, led us in hymns, and shared words of encouragement and wisdom. It was a blessing to have her lead our worship gatherings!



We are so thankful for all our amazing volunteers that choose to use their time and talents to serve around Journey.

On April 21st, 2023 we blessed many of our volunteers and their +1 with a fun night of community, connection, and Bingo with prizes!

Wonderful testimonies from some of the 63 people that got baptized and went public with their faith in Jesus on Easter.

To watch the Easter baptisms, check out our YouTube channel

On Good Friday, we gathered to reflect on Jesus’ death on a cross at Calvary. It was a sweet time of worship, communion, prayer, and meditation on Jesus’ sacrifice.

JRNY Students Dinner and a Show

March 26th, 2023:

Our middle and high schoolers put on a fantastic evening of dinner and entertainment to raise money for students going on a missions trip to Ethiopia this summer. The event included talents of all kinds, original music, stand up comedy, and amazing food prepared and served by volunteers.

Total money raised for student’s trip to Ethiopia:  $8,143

Our Connections Pastor Michelle Quigley recounts her generosity journey over different chapters of life


In March, a pipe burst and flooded our auditorium and lobby. In the midst of the restoration process, we had 37 volunteers generously cover 53 shifts over 3 days to help us prepare our facility for community events and Sunday worship the following week.

We believe that generosity is part of being “all in” followers of Jesus

To become a recurring giver, select the “regularly” frequency on the giving form.

Thank you! Your giving is what makes all of these stories possible.


cheerful, intentional, proportional, sacrificial, and continual

Take a little time to read 2 Corinthians 8 & 9 to see what we mean

Our spring classes included Financial Peace, Grief Share, and Dynamic Duos – helping dozens of Journey folks to grow in their faith and relationships – moving from rows to circles.

Bangladesh Missions Trip

February 2023: Pastor Brandon and our team of volunteers traveled to connect with our ministry partners in Bangladesh, including leading worship at outreach events. Check out the video to learn more

161 people signed up for Journey Communities at our Groups Fair in February!

Josh’s story of seeking out deep, meaningful community amongst other 20-somethings at Journey

Songwriting Retreat

January 2023: Pastor Brandon and others helped lead a worship songwriting retreat at The Commons.

85 worship songs were written by 66 songwriters representing 15 churches from our valley and around the country!

The Wier’s story of how they started leading a Journey Community and the impact it has had on their faith

BIBLE READING PLAN: 282 more people are reading their Bible regularly since last October!

JRNY Students Retreats

Our middle and high school students enjoyed days of connection, learning and growth at their retreats.  

Thanks to the generosity of Journey Church givers, 11 students and 15 leaders received scholarships to attend the retreat.

Hear Gabe’s experience of being a young adult in a multi-generational Journey Community

Through your amazing generosity, the 2022 Advent Conspiracy offering raised $92,000 for our partner organizations!  

Learn all about it at

From Christmas 2022

Stories of people in our church making room for Jesus